14 3-4 IADC637 tricone bit has been packed and shipped
14 3-4 IADC637 tricone bit has been packed and shipped
Glorytek Industry (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Fax: +86-10-65753201
Tel: +86-10-52864265/52864786
Website: www.glorytekdrills.com
E-mail: sales@glorytekdrill.com
Add:NO.1109 Tower A Wanda Plaza, 93 Jianguo Road, CBD/Beijing, China,100022
Tel: +86-15530335790
Website: www.glorytekdrills.com
E-mail: sales@glorytekdrill.com
Add:No.3 Long Road Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province
Glorytek Industry (Factory)Co., Ltd.
Glorytek Industry (Perth WA, Australia)Co., Ltd
Glorytek Corporation Limited (Hongkong)
Tel: +61 4 389 289 17
Website: www.glorytekdrills.com
E-mail: sales@glorytekdrill.com
Add:4/105 Gladstone Rd, Rivervale, WA, Australia